Mini Day is 23 March >

McLaren Drive by Design exhibition is closed for maintenance.


Brooklands Museum 2021 Events Calendar

03 February 2021

We are excited to be publishing our revised Event Calendar for 2021.  Tickets are available to book for events 1st August-5th September.

The extension of restrictions has meant that we have taken the decision to move a couple of the great events coming up in the next month to ensure you can enjoy them to the fullest. Motorcycle Day which was due to happen on Sunday 4th July, will now take place on Sunday 15th August so that we can welcome as many of our bikers as possible, and one of our biggest events, Italian Car Day in association with Auto Italia Magazine, has been moved from Sunday 18th July, to Sunday 10th October. Italian Car Day in association with Auto Italia Magazine, will replace Autumn Motorsport day this year because we just couldn't see another year go by without getting our fill of super-charged Italian motors. 

Unfortunately, we've decided to postpone our Vintage Festival until 2022, but visitors to the Museum on Saturday 24th July will be treated to a spectacle in the skies as we fly-in some of the most beloved vintage aircraft (weather dependant). 

So, it's going to be a full-on season, with our popular events running back-to back until October. Starting the calvacade is the Members' RetroJumble and Classic Car Show, leading us into Grand Prix celebrations at Brooklands Relived, followed by the Summer Classic Gathering (the warmer version of New Years Day!). We're very much looking forward to a new, special event arranged by Brooklands Members, paying tribute to Sir Stirling Moss who was a long-standing supporter of the Museum, as well as popular vehicle days including American, Emergency Services, Mini and Military. Not forgetting the popular London Bus Museum bus-fests with an array of vintage double-deckers and coaches, whether you enjoy a classic car show or the sounds and smells of track demonstrations, there will be many happy weekends to be spent at Brooklands Museum this year.

We are finalising the details of each event and are hoping to get tickets on sale as quickly as possible, however we must ensure that the events are planned with our visitors and team's safety as the highest priority. Thank you all for your patience and support of the Museum this past year. 

Put the dates in your diary now and sign up to our newsletter to make sure you keep up to date with when tickets go on sale and all our news.

The 2021 Event Calendar

Sunday 27th June London Bus Museum Summer Gathering

Sunday 1st August Brooklands Members RetroJumble and Classic Car Show 

Saturday 7th August Brooklands Relived Celebrating the 95th Anniversary of the British Grand Prix

Sunday 15th August Brooklands Motorcycle Show

Sunday 22nd August Summer Classic Gathering

Sunday 5th September American Day

Sunday 12th September Stirling Moss Celebration

Sunday 26th September Emergency Services Day

Sunday 3rd October Mini Day

Sunday 10th October Italian Car Day in association with Auto Italia Magazine

Sunday 24th October Transportfest (London Bus Museum)

Sunday 31st October Vintage Sports Car Club Driving Tests

Sunday 21st November Military Vehicles Day

All events will be subject to the Covid restrictions that may be in place at the time and therefore, this schedule may need to change and some events may have limited capacity. Tickets will need to be pre-booked online and will go on sale nearer the event date. Updates will be posted on our website and social media and sent to our Members and e-newsletter subscribers.