
Robots take centre stage at Brooklands Museum!

24 April 2017

Big thanks to everyone who voted for us. Unfortunatly we failed to make it through to the Final and are now out of the competition. We hope you enjoyed our entry, if you haven't had a chance to watch it yet, then head over to Youtube to watch it now.

Brooklands Museum Staff have once again stepped up to the challenge, wound up the gramophone and discovered their inner dancing robot around the Museum site to Daft Punk’s hit Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.

The video, featuring Staff, Volunteers and the Museum’s own mascot, Bertie Bear, has been entered into the annual international Museum Dance Off Competition. The competition is now in its fourth year and sees 41 Museums from around the world compete in three rounds to be crowned winner of Museum Dance Off 4: A New Hope.

After reaching the quarter final of the competition last year, there are high hopes that this year’s entry will make it all the way through to the International Thunderdome Final. Despite a Harder task this year of taking on fellow local competitor, Egham Museum, the Museum’s dancing crew are looking Better than ever before, and believe that this year’s entry will shoot to the top Faster, but to achieve this the Museum will need to get even Stronger support from all its supporters.

Themed around the Re-engineering Brooklands work taking place at the Museum, the video follows the dancers on an exploration of the exhibits currently being worked on, with a grand finale in the newly reconstructed Bellman Hangar.

The competition will take place in three rounds, across the next few weeks. The first two rounds are done by region, and Brooklands Museums will be going up against Norwegian entry MiA, museene i Akershus and fellow UK entries The Old Operating Theatre Museum and Herb Garret, Aberdeen Maritime Museum and Egham Museum.

The winner of each round is decided by public vote, but voting is limited to a 24-hour time slot. Votes can be cast at, where all the entries can be seen, or just search for ‘Brooklands Museum Dance’ on YouTube to see what a fantastic routine has been created.

Watch our video now (or click here to watch it on youtube). Or get a preview of the competition at