Tony Brooks Obituary
05 May 2022
We were sad to hear of the passing of the renowned racing driver and friend of Brooklands, Tony Brooks, who died earlier this week aged 90. He was the last of the 1950s Grand Prix winners, who famously won the first Grand Prix he entered in 1955, driving a Connaught. Brooks who was contacted by the team whilst revising for his dentistry exams failed to make it to Syracuse in Italy in time for the practice and learnt the track on a Scooter in time for the race. He won six Grand Prix’s narrowly missing out on the World Championship in 1959.
We were honoured that Tony supported Brooklands, and came along to our Stirling Moss celebration last year.
Stirling Moss once said of his former Team-mate “Brooks was a tremendous driver, the greatest - if he'll forgive me saying this - 'unknown' racing driver there's ever been. He was far better than several people who won the world championship."
A full obituary for Brooklands Members will appear in the Bulletin.