Young Photographer Competition 2017
14 July 2017
This year we’re calling for photographers aged 16 or under to explore the theme ‘Built at Brooklands’. Look around the museum, you will discover lots of objects in our sheds and buildings. During the summer holidays (until 1st September) make sure you capture objects manufactured in the past at Brooklands that you see around the museum and submit the photos to our Young Photographer Competition. Please note that photographs of people will not be accepted.
Prizes will be awarded for the following categories: 3-7, 8-12 and 13-16
Winners will receive the following prizes:
First prize: 1 x Family Museum Ticket & a Brooklands goody bag
Second prize: 1 x Adult & 1 x Child Museum ticket & a Brooklands goody bag
Third prize: 1 x Child Museum ticket & a Brooklands goody bag
Best overall image prize: A Brooklands Annual Family Membership
How to enter!
Email your photos to [email protected]
Submissions will be accepted until 8pm on Friday 1st September 2017. Photographs submitted after this time will not be eligible for judging.
Each photographer can submit up to three images.
Please include your first name and age in the email, otherwise we will not be able to accept your submission(s).
Rules and Regulations
Please do not have people as the subject of your photograph.
Photographs must be taken at Brooklands Museum.
Photographs must not be digitally altered, but cropping is allowed.
The photos must be emailed by an adult (over 16).
The judges will choose a first, second and third place from each age category as well as a best overall image.
By entering this competition, you allow Brooklands Museum to use your images for future marketing purposes.
We can’t accept entries from children who are related to paid staff at the Brooklands Museum Trust.
No alternative prizes will be offered and the judge’s decision is final.
Please email [email protected] for further information