Rules & Guidelines for Members visiting Brooklands Museum
As we are a working museum, house historic and valuable exhibits and there are frequent vehicle and aircraft movements on site, particularly on event days, we do have to make sure that you are aware of your responsibilities and safety as a Brooklands Member when visiting the Museum.

Museum Entry
Members must present their Membership cards for inspection by staff when arriving at the Museum. If a valid Membership card is not produced and your current Membership cannot be verified then staff may charge the full Museum entrance fee, which is non-refundable, or refuse admission unless such fee is paid.
Staff may ask to see your Membership card at any time you are on the Museum site.
Members must not by-pass any entry queue unless a separate Members only entrance is provided or they are invited to do so by staff or Membership officials.
Members are not entitled to any discounts in the Museum shop or cafe unless there is a specific Members promotion.
Members must abide by the benefits of their particular level of Membership.
Free entry to Brooklands Museum and the London Bus Museum is available on most days as part of the Membership however on some special event days a small extra charge for admission may be made as deemed appropriate by Brooklands Museum or the London Bus Museum. This is generally when the entrance fee to a specific event is higher than the standard Museum entrance fee.
The Brooklands Members reserve the right to charge an additional entrance fee for specific Member events (Evening talks, Scenic runs etc.)
Membership and membership cards are non-transferrable. They are to be used by the named person only, additional identification may be asked for by staff.
Members, when visiting the site, will be bound by the rules of Brooklands Museum and the London Bus Museum.
No dogs (other than assistance dogs) or other animal may be brought on to the Museum site.
Children under 16yrs of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Members windscreen stickers (Club Level or standard) are not parking passes or proof of Membership.
Members Behaviour
A good standard of behaviour is expected of Brooklands Members whilst on site, any behaviour considered inappropriate by staff may result in the member being ejected from the Museum.
Members or their guests may not smoke in any premises owned by the Brooklands Trust or the London Bus Museum.
The Museum's cafe and bar may only be used for consumption of food purchased on the premises.
No Brooklands Member shall publish any notice or other document or make any statement on behalf of or purporting to be on behalf of the Brooklands Members, Members Committee or the Brooklands Trust without the prior written approval of the BMC or, as the case may be, the Trust.
No Brooklands Member shall enter into any agreement or arrangement with any other party which shall bind or purport to bind the BMC or the Trust or create or purport to create any liability on the part of the BMC or the Trust.
No Brooklands Member shall commit any act or make any public statement which would be an offence to the BMC or the Trust or likely to bring the BMC or the Trust into disrepute.
No Brooklands Member shall attempt to acquire or disseminate any information which they know is subject to military or industrial restrictions.
Any Brooklands Member attending the Museum for duty as a Volunteer shall abide by the conditions and rules laid down by the Trust for Volunteers and come under the jurisdiction of the Museum’s Volunteer Resources Manager or Duty Manager at weekends.
Save for the entitlement of Club Membership to entertain guests, no Member shall use the facilities of the Committee on behalf of non-members.
Members Parking
There are specific rules for Members parking at Brooklands (including Club Level).
Parking in the main Museum car park is between 9am and 6pm and for the purposes of visiting the Museum only.
Subscriptions and refunds
Initial Membership runs from the date of joining to the end of the month joined twelve months later (ie: joining 14th Jan Membership will expire 1st Feb the following year)
Renewal reminders are sent a month ahead of the expiry date. Subscriptions should be paid prior to expiry to ensure continuous Membership. Renewals received in the month after the expiry date will be back dated to the original date of renewal (ie: expires 1st Feb and renewed 15th Feb then expiry date will be 1st Feb the following year).
Renewals received in excess of one month will be forwarded to the beginning of the month in which received. (ie: Expires 1st Feb renewed 15th April then expiry date will be the 1st April the following year)
Should you change your mind about joining then refunds can be given up to 15 days after the date your Membership was processed. No refunds will be payable after that period.
Your Membership subscription is considered a donation to Brooklands Museum which allows us to claim Gift Aid on up to £65 of your Membership fee with your agreement.
The Subscription rate advertised is a minimum donation, you may donate more if you wish.
Memberships purchased as gifts are not exchangeable for their cash equivalent.
Specific Rules for Club Level Membership
All Brooklands Members with Club Level Membership shall sign the Register on arrival in the Members' Bar and sign in any guests.
Club Level Membership will entitle the Member, Associate Member, three children and up to two guests to use the Club Lounge during normal opening hours. Such Members and their guests will be expected to wear smart casual dress.
If guests are arriving at the museum unaccompanied, at the invite of a Club level Member, then the member must meet them at the gate in order to accompany them and sign them in as above.
Members parking on the Museum site under the conditions of Club Level Membership MUST abide by the directions of the Visitor Services Assistance, Gatekeeper or other staff members - see Parking rules.
Members with Club Level Membership will be expected to produce their membership card when requested. Children will be allowed to accompany such Members, but will be expected to meet the Code of Conduct and rules for use of the Club facilities.
Members with Club Level Membership will be responsible for all charges incurred in the entertainment of their guests and shall remain with their guests or ensure that as necessary they are accompanied by a designated Club official whilst in the Club House.
Members with Club Level Membership shall strictly comply with such additional rules and regulations for the use of Club facilities and their conduct therein as the BTMC shall from time to time publish and display in or on the Club premises.
No Member with Club Level Membership shall purchase or attempt to purchase any alcoholic drink for any person under the age of 18 years from any bar to which he has access whether situated in the Club Room or otherwise nor supply or provide such alcoholic drink to any such person nor knowingly permit any such person to consume alcoholic drinks in any of the facilities managed or administered by the Trust.
The Members' Bar/ Bluebird Room is to be used for the consumption of food and beverages purchased in the bar only.
Breaches or complaints
Should an incident occur whereby a member has breached the rules or guidelines then his or her case will be considered by the Members Committee and could result in membership being withdrawn.
Any complaints regarding the Brooklands Members organisation should be directed towards the Chairman of the Brooklands Members by email to [email protected]
Any complaints regarding Brooklands Museum or its staff/volunteers should be directed toward the Museum Director & CEO by email to [email protected]