
Support Us

From track sweeping to aircraft maintenance, from documenting our Collection to running family workshops, our 650 volunteers give countless hours of their time to help us immerse our visitors in the sights, smells and sounds of the history of motoring and aviation.

You can help us keep this vital work going, preserving our site and Collection for generations to come.

Brooklands is an independent museum and a registered charity (No. 296661). We do not receive any core funding from the Government or local authority.

The Museum depends upon admission prices, donations, and revenue from its commercial operations to carry out its work. Through the generosity of all its supporters Brooklands Museum can fulfil its mission:

“To preserve and interpret the heritage of Brooklands, to use that heritage to inspire and educate and to provide a sustainable world-class visitor attraction accessible to all”.

Text BROOKLANDS to 70085 to donate £5 

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Brooklands Museum depends on the generosity of its friends and supporters. Find out how you can help support our commitment to inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers.

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Become a Brooklands Museum volunteer and help to keep the spirit of Brooklands alive. Our 650 strong volunteer team do everything from stewarding to restoration work.

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Become a Member

Become a Brooklands Member and you can visit the museum free of charge throughout the year as well as support our important preservation work.

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Other Ways to Support Us

Find out other ways you can support the Museum, for free, including nominating us for competitions. 

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